Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Life in Canada for ESL Students

Life for International Students studying English in Canada

It can be scary and overwhelming to leave your families and come to Canada. But exciting to be able to learn English and in most cases go on to study at some of Canada's Universities. You know the experience will forever change your world and your future. You know you will love it. You know you will learn so much. You know you will meet new people and make new friends, but leaving the security of your family and country can be terrifying.
In the first few weeks it can be horribly frightening and frustrating. Simple day to day things like catching a bus, ordering a meal or buying something from a store can become an intimidating burden. The frustration to try and communicate your needs can be overwhelming and for some people embarrassing. Hang in there! It will get better!
Once you have adjusted and set up your routine, begin to make friends and master the art of ordering a coffee at Starbucks. You begin to realize that you are learning English and you didn't even realize it. Things you had trouble with when you first arrive are now easy. You begin to take more chances and participate in new activities. You have this realization as you are skiing down a mountain or learning how to scuba dive, that just a short time ago, you would have never thought that you would be doing all these amazing activities and learning English.
Coming to Canada and sitting in a class room studying English only provides you with the basics and fundamentals of the language. It's getting out there and meeting native speakers, participating in activities and everyday life in Canada that really teaches you how to master the language.
The friends you make at Camber College are people you would have never met if you hadn't come to Canada. They are people just like you that were brave enough to leave the security and comforts of where they grew up and come to Canada to learn English and create a bright new future. These friendships can last a life time and create opportunities to travel and visit other countries and have new adventures in the future.
The world is a much smaller place then it was even 30 years ago. With the advancement of technologies, social media such as facebook, combined with the fact that you can wake up one morning in your own bed and go to sleep that night in another country on the other side of the world, is proof of just how small our global village really is.  With the ability to speak English, the new friends you have made from all over the world; you are now a contributing member of our Worlds future.

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